Pool Route Pros Buyer's Packet
As part of every pool route sale completed through Pool Route Pros, Inc., we provide all new buyers with an orientation that will include our detailed buyer's packet. The Pool Route Pros, Inc. buyer's packet will give you everything you need to know to be able to operate your new pool route. It will include all of the following:
- Three (3) Service Industry News Booklets
- Professional Pool and Spa Technicians' Guide to Chlorine
- Professional Pool and Spa Technicians' Guide to Alternative Sanitizers
- Professional Pool and Spa Technicians' Guide to pH, Alkalinity, Water Testing, and Water Balance
- Reasons to Consider the Pool Industry
- Startup Suggestions
- Startup Equipment List
- Startup Chemical List
- Pool Service Equipment Options
- Carts
- Portable Vacuums
- Portable Pumps
- Hammerhead
- Leafmaster
- Distributors
- Buyers will be provided with all local and delivery distributors' information in their immediate service areas with applications for each.
- 10-Step Marketing and Growth Plan
- Software and Application Suggestions for Customer Billing
- Take advantage of the technology out there and use email billing, credit card processing, route scheduling and mapping, client details, and much more.
- Billing Companies
- Companies that will do all of your billing for you for a monthly fee. No more envelopes, printing, ink cartridges, lost bills, stamps, ignored emails, or mailing.
- Website Design and Hosting Services
- Latest Issue of Service Industry News and an Application for a Subscription
- List of Educational Books available for Purchase
- Additional Pool Route Training Services
- Technical Service School Offered by the Major Companies: Jandy, Hayward, Pentair, Zodiac, Goldline
- Tradeshow Information
- There are a few major tradeshows throughout the year that offer education as well as seminars for many of the products and free giveaways of new products. Tradeshows are a great way to extend your pool knowledge and really just get together with great people involved in the pool industry. We will provide you with details for all upcoming shows.
- CPO (Certified Pool Operator) Classes
- Insurance
- Pool Route Pros, Inc. suggests that anyone with a pool route, whether large or small, have liability insurance to cover their route. There are a few different options out there that will all be explained in detail so you can choose what is right for you.
- Pool Service Associations Options
- Contractor's License Requirements and Schools (C-53 and C-61)
- If you decided to expand into other pool industry areas, i.e., large repairs, remodels, building, etc.
- Referrals
- With 30+ years experience in the pool industry, Pool Route Pros, Inc. provides every buyer with a list of referrals for anything you will need: service, repair, general questions, etc. These are referrals that have been built up through Pool Route Pros, Inc. through the years and can answer any pool route service or repair questions that you may run into.
- Pool Repair and Renovation Book
- This book will give you a list of any and all major and minor repairs relating to a pool. It will also show you the cost to do each job with parts and also give you an idea of what you should charge the customer as well.
- Everything you always wanted to know about Pool Care* By Charlie Taylor
- A service industry news publication
- Pool Route Pros, Inc. Gifts
- Pool Route Pros T-Shirt
- Pool Route Pros Calculator
- Pool Route Pros LED Flashlight
- Pool Route Pros Daily Planner
- Pool Route Pros MLB and NFL Schedule
- Pool Route Pros Letter Opener
- Pool Route Pros Ruler
- Pool Route Pros Computer Screen Cleaner